Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Reading journal - 1st September 1939

  • Setting - 52nd Street, New York, in a dive reflecting upon life
  • 'uncertain and afraid' - feelings of most people, Auden representing/speaking for society
  • metaphorical language - 'blind skyscrapers' - dictators, blinded by their power, unable to see anything past their own vision?
  • 'euphoric dream' - dictatorship, their idea, or perhaps the euphoric dream of America who are not involved in the war
  • symbolic of stormy relationship between countries - war
  • time is shown through historical figures - Nijinsky, Diaghilev
  • irregular rhyme scheme, enjambment - stream of thoughts, Auden's own feelings
  • speech - collective voice, again speaking on behalf of everyone- 'I will be true to the wife, I'll concentrate more on my work'.
  • Linz - third largest city of Austria - Adolf Hitler grew up here, hence 'What huge imago made a psychopathic god'
  • contrast - 'bright' and 'darkened' - illustrating change in people, from being hopeful to hopeless
  • 'Offends the september night' - personifying the night, representing those offended by the situation? War?

1 comment:

  1. Good, concise comments. Is contrast in other parts of the poem?
