Rivalry - Hector vs. Irwin - Hector and his views, Irwin and his views
Slapstick - Hector hitting the boys on the head with the book
Themes - molesting, Hector taking one of the boys out on his motorbike each day, elitism (the Headmaster, his only concern being league tables, Irwin and his primary concern being Oxbridge)
Metaphors - extensive use of metaphors, even euphemisms, from characters such as Dakin
Banter - Scripps teasing Posner, the lesson in French, Mrs Lintott and Hector, the boys teasing Irwin about his life
Competition - the idea that the teachers are competing for the affection of the boys, nicknames: tot or totty for Mrs Lintott
It is confusing to me how Bennett has made Hector such a likeable character even though he is sexually abusing his students? Is it purely because of his eccentricity and is constructed through the use of jest, and would this be reacted to differently from an audience watching the play in the 80's to an audience watching the play now?
Your last comment is interesting. Does this move the play away from comedy?